Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Project 10

Using PLN with Symbaloo.com is really helpful. I am now able to use added and existing tiles that link me to my favorite websites for free. Before I began to develope my PLN, I first followed the instructions through youtube videos and the tour on Symbaloo. Once I understood how this program worked, I was so ready to build my own. I used some of the existing tiles such as Google and Facebook while also adding new websites that I also use everyday, into new tiles. By using Symbaloo, I found this useful site called Teacher Tube where there are thousands of videos for those like myself who want to be and are current teachers. Teacher LED is also another site that I found which is dedicated to help teachers learn how to use whiteboards in the classroom. Symbaloo is a very useful PLN because I no longer have to goolge everything first. Now I have everything at my finger tips with one click. I hope that my resources will grow from using this type of PLN.

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